Monday, September 15, 2008

Warth of the Lich King (LK) arives November 13th 2008

Let the count down begin! According to the expansion will be available in stores 11-13-08.

It is going to be a very interesting few weeks.

The PTR for 3.0.2 is up, crashing servers (PvE) and all.

Be sure to get that last minute leveling, item grinding and get ready to start working on those achievements!


JP said...

i wonder if it will actually launch on schedule.

Anonymous said...

i seriously doubt it but blizz could pull a fast one on us lol

Anonymous said...

When they launched BC, once they announced a date they stuck to it.

Now there may be a few patches a few weeks/months later to actually add all the content/features :)

Anonymous said...

I thought BC was scheduled to release in November and it got delayed a few months

Kiwago said...

ok so just to let everyone know i took a bet to go a month without video games and it started on the 14th of september and will end on the 12th of october so im not quitting WoW im just trying to win a bet....